profile photo of Santiago Fernandez Scagliusi

Santiago Fernández Scagliusi

Electronics & Biomedical Engineer


Hi! I am a PhD Student in Electronics Engineering, currently working at the Institute of Microelectronics (Seville, Spain), where I am developing an IoT device for monitoring the health of patients with heart disease.

I have a MSc in Biomedical Engineering and now I am also studying for a MSc in Microelectronics. I am passionate about these fields, and I dream of contributing to preventive medicine with my research!

Here you can find some projects I did during my BSc in Electronics Engineering, check them out!

Technical Skills


  • PCB Schematics, Placement and Routing using Altium Designer and KiCad
  • RTL Design, FPGA Programming in VHDL with Xilinx ISE
  • MCU - NRF52 (Nordic), STM32 (ST), MSP430 (TI), Motorola 68K
  • Power Electronics Transient Analysis with PSpice
  • ARM Cortex-M0 Architecture
  • Bus protocols - UART, I2C, SPI, CAN
  • Electronics Troubleshoot and Repair - SMD soldering, Oscilloscope, Multimeter, Logical Analyzer


  • C/C++, C# and Assembly for Embedded Systems
  • Python for Data Analysis
  • Version Control with Git and GitHub
  • PLC Programming with Step7
  • MATLAB and Simulink for Motor Modeling and Signal Processing


  • HTML and CSS web design using Bootstrap
  • GitHub Pages deployment
  • SQL Database with MS-Access
  • Chrome Web Developer Tools for web troubleshooting
  • Basic Photoshop image editing


Click on the images for more details!

Simon Game in FPGA thumbnail

Simon Game

VHDL Design

Ultrasonic sensor in FPGA thumbnail

Ultrasonic Sensor

VHDL Design

Formula Student Power Distribution PCB thumbnail

Power Distribution PCB

PCB Design

GUI Temperature Control in C and C#

GUI Temp Control

C/C++ & C# programming

Piano in Assembly thumbnail

Digital Piano

Assembly & C programming

CPU simulator in C

CPU Simulator

C programming

Work Experience

  • Experience in Biomedical Engineering Research. PCB to monitor bioimpedancee
    Aug 2020 - Present

    Electronics Research Engineer - Seville Institute of Microelectronics

    Currently developing a wearable device to prevent Heart Failure in 100+ hospital patients, using multi-frequency bioimpedance analysis.

    Hardware: prototyped, fully designed and assembled a 4-layer, 2x2cm PCB, that integrates an AFE, uC, inertial sensor (IMU) and a Bluetooth antenna, combining analog, digital and RF signals.

    Software: microcontroller programming, including SPI and I2C communication between ICs, and Bluetooth data sending, using a low-power approach with interruptions.

    Core skills: KiCad PCB design, C programming and debugging, SPI/I2C/Bluetooth protocols, uC Nordic NRF52832, Python, Git.

  • Fulbright Scholar at Swarthmore College
    Sept 2022 - May 2023

    Fulbright Scholar in Medical Engineering

    Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, USA

    Conducted predoctoral research in the field of Medical Engineering, with a focus on enhancing bioimpedance measurement techniques and methodologies.

    Managed the Medical Engineering Lab, leading Spice simulations and experimental analysis to address and resolve electrode mismatch issues in 4-wire bioimpedance measurements.

    Played a pivotal role in developing and optimizing Matlab scripts, which significantly reduced bioimpedance measurement errors by up to 60%.

    Facilitated a groundbreaking collaborative research initiative with a renowned expert in heart failure bioimpedance, culminating in 2 joint publications presented at international conferences.

    Actively engaged in scientific dissemination, presenting research findings in 3 university talks and contributing to medical engineering workshops, enhancing public understanding of complex medical engineering concepts.

    Core skills: Advanced Lab Management, Proficient in Matlab and Data Analysis, C Programming for Embedded Systems (NRF52 microcontroller), Effective Academic Dissemination & Public Speaking.

  • May 2017 - Aug 2018

    Formula SAE Electrical Engineer - ARUS Team

    Member of a team with 90+ engineering students, and the only one in Spain that designs and builds both an electric and a combustion racing car.

    Responsible for redesigning, routing and soldering the Power Distribution PCB, which controlled the power from the battery to all the electrical devices on the racecar.

  • Feb 2015 - Aug 2015

    Mobile Phone Repair Technician - Telefoneitor

    Successfully repaired 150+ mobile phones with hardware problems by replacing or soldering components.

    Fixed software errors in Android, iOS, Windows and MacOS, flashing custom ROMs and modifying OS services.

Contact me!